4 01 2010

Most of you probably don’t know much or anything at all about Gary Glitter except that he is a convicted ‘sex offender’. I admit that I too don’t know a whole lot about this guy, although I do remember his name being thrown around the house when I was younger in Malaysia. But it seems that he was more of an icon in Australia as I found out more about him when I came to Melbourne.

All was forgotten and in the past until Christmas day, where we spent the day at the in-laws. After the traditional lunch and dessert, we got into the oldies vinyl collection. As always it was fun laughing at some of the old school record covers and fashions of the time…until we came across one of ol’ Gary’s albums.

Ironically called ‘Touch Me’, its a wonder how no one saw the calling signs of a serial sick-in-the-head kinda guy. I mean just look at the names of the tracks….

We also found this one which has nothing to do with Gary, but pretty funny all the same…



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